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Let’s Make a Rainbow: A Yoga Story for Kids-

Are your kids ever bored on a rainy day?

Complaining that there is nothing to do?

Encourage them to use their imaginations as they practice yoga with Lily and Lee, and learn 12 fun yoga poses and a Sun Salutation!

Guaranteed to bring a smile to their faces!

All books come signed and personalized with your child’s name!

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Experts are Saying:

On a rainy day, yoga makes the sun shine! This sweet story, beautifully illustrated, guides children through a series of yoga poses set to rhyme, guaranteed to make you smile. A delightful way to stretch the imagination and the bodyLet's Make a Rainbow is sure to get kids up and moving.

-Louise Goldberg, Author of Yoga Therapy for Children with Autism and Special Needs and Classroom Yoga Breaks

A fun, creative, and accessible introduction to yoga and its benefits…Upbeat, positive sentiments will encourage youngsters to follow along or start a practice of their own.” - Kirkus Reviews

“Brighten a Rainy Day with Yoga!”

— The PictureBook Pages Blog

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